Ministry of the Month - Liturgy - Proclaimers of the Word
Shawnda Muir December 4, 2019
Welcome to the Liturgical Ministries!!
What is Liturgy?
Liturgy is the divine worship of the Church and includes the celebration of Mass and the celebration of the Sacraments. Every weekend, our four parish liturgies are blessed by the time and talents shared by over 80 volunteers.
Altar Servers: Altar servers are a vital part of the liturgical ministry. The role of the Altar Server is to assist the Priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. Some of the Altar Server responsibilities include bearing the cross and candles in the entrance procession, holding the prayer book for the Priest and assisting with holy water, wine and offertory gifts at Mass.
If you would like to help us by becoming an altar server, please contact Blanche Comeau at [email protected] . Training is provided.
Proclaimers of the Word: The proclaimers possess an important responsibility. The individual prayerfully prepares and practices the reading ahead of time at home. If a deacon is not present, the proclaimers carry the Book of the Gospels in the procession to the altar. The proclaimer participates in Liturgies by reciting selected biblical texts. There is now a separate ministry for the readers of the Prayers of the Faithful within the Proclamation Ministry.
If you feel called to help in the ministry of proclamation, please contact Patrick Lang at [email protected]. Training is provided.
Eucharistic Ministers: The Eucharistic minister has the privilege of distributing the body (bread) and the blood (wine) of Christ at Mass. A Eucharistic minister holds up the Host, saying reverently, "Body of Christ." After this, the Eucharistic minister holds the chalice of the blood of Christ before each congregant, saying, "Blood of Christ." After the recipient drinks, the Eucharistic minister wipes the rim and turns the cup a quarter of a turn. The ministers return cups and plates to the altar after distributing the Eucharist to the congregation.
If you would like to help us by becoming a Eucharistic minister, we are especially in need for the 5 pm and 12:15 pm masses. Training is provided. For more information please contact Janet Gudel at [email protected]
Ushers: One of the integral teams that assist with the smooth celebration of the liturgies are the Ushers. Ushers assist people with seating, especially those with mobility issues. They also direct the collection of our Sunday Offering and help identify parishioners requiring communion to be administered within the assembly.
If you would like to help us by becoming an Usher, we are especially in need for the 5 pm and 9 am masses. Training is provided. For more information please contact Corey Bossuyt at [email protected].
For more information on other liturgical ministries, click here.