During Masses – Scripture readings, the gospel especially the Homily with impactful messages, praying together as a family/community, talented choir, singing together
Homily - through listening and meditating on the homily with the ability and sensitivity of discernment. He speaks to us when we are touched by the solidarity we see among the parishioners and the leaders of the church. We feel the joy in hope, faith, and love as we share in love, compassion, and humility.
Prayer - Weekly Wednesday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Easter Vigil, weekday rosary
Sense of community since the parish is very multicultural and diverse in age.
There is such beauty in the charisms and gifts that are bestowed upon a community that is so diverse and loves to serve God and the community (active volunteerism).
I believe that God is speaking to us by continuously being an open community that will welcome many new people to the parish (community fellowship)
Through our new Canadians who have a wonderful respectful devotion to the Eucharist.
Through the old “Pillars” of the parish.
Inter-religious discussions
Different parish ministries – Music Ministry, Teens & Youth group
Different church/parish-based organizations (e.g., KofC, CWL, CfC, parish prayer groups, Seniors Happy Gang, Foodbank contributions, Christmas Food hampers, social welfare groups (e.g., Agape Table, Chez Nous, KofC, & CWL charitable fundraisers, food & clothing drive for the less fortunate, etc.) all help us to realize and understand social needs)
Outreach to parish members through phone calls and visits to those who are sick or lonely
Donations to charitable institutions
During a fellowship in groups where parishioners gather and share their struggles.
Same faith - the Holy Spirit enables us to voice out and listen to each other's opinions/statements/beliefs, and through the priest, community and parish
Fellowship - before our parish and after our parish, we get together, and we can also listen to one another as those people who are close to us in real life. A few minutes of gathering with the other parishioners, through prayers, and news.
Mass announcements, Blanket exercise, social justice parish activities, prayer group intentions
The multicultural aspect of the parish allows us to listen to one another and to be able to have our gifts and talents shared
Sharing our experiences with others and encouraged to share experiences with each other
Love for one another – some of the prayer intentions are timely and really make you think
Parish Gatherings/welcoming space, personal connections.
Love from God - In our parish, we are all brothers and sisters in a big family, therefore, we want to listen to and help each other, especially in hard times.
Small group discussions, and book studies for people to share life struggles.
Ministries include several dedicated to listening to those who suffer. I.e., for those who have been divorced, those in great mental & physical pain (caregivers), etc.
Lack of communication/empathy, lack of knowing other customs.
In general, people are reluctant to share personal issues with others. The comfort level of sharing is very personal. Sharing is very difficult in group settings and it is unlikely that our parish priest can devote sufficient time to all individuals in need given that he is the only priest in such a large parish. He works alone without the help of a Deacon.
Past negative experiences that pull them down in fear and insecurity
Shyness to come forward.
Unable to take part in many groups or book discussions because of transportation problems or because of health
Language barrier
Not knowing the other person well to allow you to speak openly (lack of trust),
Fear of being judged or rejected
Different upbringing
Cultural differences - Immigrants might not feel comfortable speaking out
Personal traits, being shy, keeping our opinions to ourselves, would want to have them to ourselves, and not opening up
Not feeling welcome to share their experiences or deciding that participating isn’t worth their while or not caring too.
Feeling unseen/unknown – in our very large parish with 4 masses, it can be difficult to build relationships/ a sense of community which builds trust – need trust in order to speak openly
New to the parish community, past experiences in the parish, groups, community separators
Lack of committees to deal with various or specific needs (We have committees to deal with specific needs such as caregivers).
Fear and rejection by their community - worrying you won’t say anything right.
Some people have questions about their Christ journeys. These doubts also hinder people's Christ journeys.
(Prior to the pandemic) our church was very dynamic in planning many different interest courses & sessions that parishioners could attend (e.g., session facilitated by a religious coordinator about understanding the Bible, evenings learning about the Catholic/Jewish relationship with guest speakers, evenings learning via a video broadcast, how the Mass relates to the Old Testament, the blanket exercise recently held at our church.
Work with other groups to understand their ideas and needs – e.g., Care Givers Groups sharing with another church
Attend and join more different activities frequently and learn from these activities.
Visit other churches to learn a different thing (The member of the Chinese Catholic community visits other churches during the summertime before Covid-19)
Through the parish's network/other religious groups and the archdiocese
By bringing other sectors of society/religions and hearing what they have to say about experiences in our parish (e.g., Jewish/Muslim reps and other Christian/religious denominations), in the spirit of solidarity, especially during a crisis
Do the blanket exercise again
Invite gov representing cultural affairs for a dialogue,
Invite representatives from the Archdiocese of St. Boniface
Social media, conversations with other believers and non-believers.
Having different choirs come for a joint choir fest
The parish could hold some meetings and seminars for understanding new politics from governmental offices. Moreover, the parish could improve communication with the government for obtaining better support to build our parish communities
Continue/improve our Parish Ambassador program – target those who really need it.
Session about Reconciliation and how we have such a long journey ahead of us
Our Church is missing a charismatic presence in worship & praise. We are missing quiet time to pray before mass starts and after communion. There needs to be quiet reflection time to hear God's voice.
Many Catholics do not remain committed to their faith once confirmed and certainly by the latter teenage years, many drifts away.
Lack of clear of idea of the mission of each baptized person should have a clear idea of the mission
Less understanding of the Catholic faith
The lack of constant activities at the church allows them to grow deeper and deeper in their faith.
Continuous prayer will blend into their lives, which will change their view and actions to whatever life throws at them.
A low understanding of catholic knowledge and faith, and others' judgments hinder our missions.
Too busy, only think about own needs. As a foreigner, the biggest barrier is language.
The old thoughts about religions that were educated before we came to Canada are the key hinder. We are from China, where people are discouraged to pursue any religion. Even though I am Catholic but still should take time to change my attitude.
It is hard for people to share their opinions at the very beginning, especially members of the Chinese Catholic Community. We should show our love and respect to help people to speak out.
We are not doing a good enough job of spreading the Gospel, we may lack some enthusiasm, preferring to spend our time in personal prayer and the development of faith, using our faith as a nice dress. We need more declare our faith aloud.
The busy schedule with little children hinders the baptized from being active in the mission. Little children are too naughty in the church, which makes parents feel busy, frustrated, and even embarrassed in the church.
Lack of faith, lack of confidence in God, lack of trust
Neglecting: family inheritance, and lack of faith cultivation after adult baptism. We neglect the young parent group. I heard some churches have a large group of young parents. Parents can communicate with each other. Children of similar ages can play with each other. When the parish happens, volunteering educators take children to play, and parents stay in the church to pray.
Lack of having a close or tight relationship with someone/family results in people being less participative especially when they are alone. If people feel warm and welcome, they would be more likely in involved in church work.
Lack of time (busy) with work (making work a priority over faith),
Poor faith foundation (need to improve faith formation) - not enough understanding of Catholic and no confidence to preach and explain the gospels.
Lack of religious education as an adult. More needed.
Lack of opportunity in the parish for volunteers to help
When people hear but don't understand what others are trying to say about religion
Lack of connection/relationship with God. Especially in young people, a sense that God/Faith isn’t “real”
Focus on youth/youth adults. Need to reach out to them
The baptized are hindered from being active in mission – weren’t led by active parents in mission; some other cultures downplayed the need to give back to God what He had given to them; others cannot accept any responsibility for living; others are willing but cannot be active in mission to others because they themselves suffer or in pain that prohibits them from doing so.